Performance Objectives and Assessment Items:
This artifact was created in the class EDET 722 in the fall semester. This was my first semester taking classes within the education technology masters program. Before this, my knowledge was limited. However, I gained enough information to do this assignment correctly by doing research and asking questions. The purpose of the artifact was to create measurable and performance-based objectives. This was the first assignment for a semester-long project which grew into a complete formative evaluation plan. The performance objectives and assessment artifacts were created as an outline to ensure the lessons cover the goals moving forward. My role in the artifact was to find a topic that was objective and performance-based assessments. I was the instructional designer and developer of everything. My job was to find articles and use the document to create the evaluation.
The performance objectives and assessment reflected the ADDIE model in the Analysis section. “The Analysis phase can be considered as the Goal-Setting Stage.” (Kurt, 2018) In the assessment, the goal was to create objectives, and that was the first thing in the assignment to develop final instructional purposes. After that, I began the assessment items that provided the performance-based assessment. Another one that reflected the ADDIE model was the design section. After figuring out the goals of the evaluation then, I created a design that gauged the learning objectives. Made two assessment items and labeled the classification for each learning objective.
The Morrison, Ross & Kemp model reflected the performance and objectives assessment. Task Analysis section of the MRK model with after the learner answers the questions, you will be able to see which parts will need work. “Determine what knowledge and procedures you need to include in the instruction to help the learner master the objectives” (Morrison, 2013). Listing the objectives and creating questions to help the learner understand was the goal of this assignment.
The Performance Objectives and Assessment, Item reflects the AECT 1 standard and performance indicators. The creating section involves creating instructional material. In creating the artifact, we took the performance objectives and made a list of classifications and assessment items for each one. The learner would understand the goals with multiple questions benefiting them. Another section that reflects the performance objectives and assessment items is using section. “Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources and processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy.” (Januszewski, 2008) In creating the performance objects artifact, your performance is measured, and feedback is given to support the student with goal-oriented questions.
After reviewing the assignments, I reflect on the growth that I had throughout the program—I remember having to look up a bunch of things and not properly creating an assembled document. Also, not understanding the assessment and how to go through this assignment, I learned many valuable tools that I still utilize today. Finally, looking back at my work now makes me feel great about the progress made in the last two years of the program.
Januszewski, A., Molenda, M., & Harris, P. (Eds.). (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kurt, S. (2018, December 16). Addie Model: Instructional design. Educational Technology. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2013). Designing Effective Instruction (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Game Analysis:
I selected EDET 652 Design and Evaluation of Games and Simulations for my elective in the spring of 2021. A game analysis was one of my first assignments, and I created it in PowerPoint. Call of Duty was the game being analyzed because of my knowledge of playing the game for years. Given the years of playing the game, I explored the game due to the knowledge acquired during that time. The purpose of the assignment was to determine common characteristics and evaluate the game's effectiveness. This project was affiliated with the theoretical foundation’s section, which is the second module of the class. This assignment made sure that you were able to apply learning theory, identify objectives and analyze tasks. My role was to create an interactive PowerPoint slide that would allow a game analysis on a video game of your choice. It was a solo project and had scholarly articles backing the information presented. Reviewing articles about the learning theory of the game, motivational characteristics, and domains of learning then applying it to the video game was the project.
This artifact reflects both Morrison, Ross & Kemp model and the ADDIE model elements. This artifact demonstrates a couple of designs and project development in the ADDIE model. The Analysis section was an essential part of the game analysis. I spent a lot of time in the goal-setting stage and focused on the target audience and how it will benefit them. In the game, analysis Identify objectives and understand the motivational characteristics. Having the goals before creating the game analysis made it easier to understand the project. Another section reflecting the MRK model was “the implementation stage reflects the continuous modification of the program to make sure maximum efficiency and positive results are obtained .”(Kurt, 2018) This was ensured by giving multiple examples of motivational characteristics, different domains of learning, and what is being taught with the content. It is creating the sections and making sure that it is developed effectively.
The Morrison, Ross & Kemp model was reflected in creating the game analysis. One way it was reflected in the instructional strategies, “a well-designed instructional strategy prompts or motivates the learner” (Kurt, 2018) In. The section on the Motivational characteristics shows ways that the game keeps the gamer invested. Social learning theory: “The benefits of learners observing and imitating other behaviors in similar environments.”(Kapp,2012) In the video game named call duty, they have what you call kill cams that allow you to see how the person beat you. This will enable you to observe and imitate others to motivate the gamer. The creators keep things clear and the goals and objectives straightforward in the game.
This artifact reflects AECT Standard 1: Content Knowledge. The game analysis has the performance indicators to indicate the use of the AECT Standard 1. Creating portion is the different mechanics used within the video game. The ability to earn badges and level up with a ranking system is a big part of playing the game. The using portion is with the social learning theory. “The benefits of learners observing and imitating other behaviors in similar environments.” (Kapp, 2012) You can watch the kill cam in the video game to learn from your mistakes and use the technology resources to do better next time. The assessing/ evaluating portion is the levels and the performance of how you are progressing in the game. The managing part is about effectively Making the game easy with the goals and objectives of the game and being rewarded for level-ups and achievements through guns and different uniforms. The last portion about ethics in the game analysis represents whether or not the individual is playing the game correctly.
In this project, I used information that I learned from different classes and combined them in this game analysis. Now reflecting on the project and taking a couple more classes, I would have added a couple more things in the domains of the learning portion of the project. I added a couple of more examples to give the reader a better understanding. But overall, the project was sufficient in providing the correct information for the game analysis.
Kapp, K. (2012). The gamification of learning and instruction: Game-based methods and
strategies for training and education. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.
Kurt, S. (2018, December 16). Addie Model: Instructional design. Educational Technology. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from