Multimedia Project:
The multimedia project was created in the class of 603 Design and development tools 1 in the fall of 2020. The knowledge I brought to this project was creating a project and creating promotional art. The multimedia project included a couple of things with creating a website, podcast, marketing posters, and other media things. The artifact's purpose was to create a project with different multimedia artifacts. They were making it a legit and promotable piece. This artifact was the final project of the class. My role in the production was designing the website, cover art, marketing poster, and recording of the podcast. This project was with a partner, and he was in charge of the resource page, music, and writing. We both were the instructional designer and developers of the artifact.
The multimedia project reflects both the MRK model and the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model reflects the design section. In the project, to obtain the goals, we had to follow a specific set of rules. Creating the media for the podcast, making the website, and recording the vlog and podcast. "Follow a particular set of rules, and each element of the instructional design plan must be executed with attention to detail." (Kurt, 2018) Creating something visually pleasing and educating the listeners on starting your podcast. Another section that reflects the multiple media is the development section. Before producing the final project, my partner, and I got together and wrote down the keys to starting a podcast. After brainstorming, we recorded the podcast and vodcast to put that piece into action. The website was the finished product of developing a three-step process of starting a podcast.
The MRK model reflects instructional problems. "The need of the client or the performance problem the client wishes to solve" (Morrison, Ross, and Kemp, 2013) In the process of figuring out what topic we were going to do. I told Chris that I started a podcast and had a couple of episodes recorded, and he wanted to start a podcast but never found the right time. So we decided to do our podcast on creating a podcast in 3 easy steps. This was targeted at individuals curious about starting one but didn't know where to start. The felt need is for the learner to be guided in starting a podcast. Another section in the MRK model that reflects is task analysis. This is creating the step-by-step process to teach the learners to master the objectives. Finally, to obtain their goals of starting their podcast. The message design is similar in connecting the audience with the information needed to create a podcast in our project.
The multimedia project reflects AECT 4 standards and performance indicators. My partner and I reflected on the collaborative practice in the multimedia project. Using my experience of running a podcast, I had some experience to guide us in the right direction. We created and marketed a project with multiple forms of instruction to help the learner understand the subject matter. Another section that reflects is the leadership portion. "Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology-supported learning." (Januszewski, 2008) That was the goal when first creating this website was to implement technology learning. This demonstrates that creating our multimedia project was our way to design and implement technology-supported knowledge.
The things I learned in this project were how to properly create content with marketing possibilities—also, creating a website and adding all of the information with it being presentable. I am proud of this project. This displays how my growth within the master's degree. It was one of my first times working with a partner on a significant task, and I held my own and provided quality work. The project was professional and reflected the initial understanding of the subject matter. I will continue to grow as an educational technologist moving forward.
Januszewski, A., Molenda, M., & Harris, P. (Eds.). (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kurt, S. (2018, December 16). Addie Model: Instructional design. Educational Technology. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from
Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K.,& Kemp, J.E. (2013). Designing Effective Instruction,
Seventh Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Technology Use and Support Survey:
The technology use and support survey were created in the EDET 746 Management Resources class. I took this class in the fall of 2021, and the skills and knowledge I brought to this artifact is the experience of creating an efficient survey. The purpose of this artifact was to survey my teachers' coworkers about the technology used in their school. This project was one of the first assignments in the class, and it branched off into a more significant assignment later in the semester. My role in the production was to develop and send out the survey to my coworkers then analyze the data into a document. I was the instructional designer and developer in the project.
The technology use and support survey reflect both the MRK and the ADDIE models. The ADDIE model reflects the analysis section. This is the goal-setting section, and the technology use and support survey was an essential part of the development process. They created questions for coworkers to understand their technology use within their classrooms. The goals were created into questions to figure out the technology used for teachers. Another section that was reflected was the evaluation section. "Evaluation stage is to determine if the goals have been met and to establish what will be required moving forward to further the efficiency and success rate of the project." (Kurt, 2018) After creating the survey and receiving the information, I was able to see if the goals had been met. With the results, I planned the steps were moving forward on how things will change.
The Morrison, Ross & Kemp model reflects the learner and context. The first couple of questions were to get basic information about the teachers in creating the survey. For example, are you asking them to rate their technology use within the school district? What programs does your school use? Does your school require certificates? These questions are there to understand the teacher's use of technology in the classroom. They felt the need for the teachers to be equipped better with technology training. The message design was ultimately to get this information forwarded to the supervisor to do a better job of preparing the teachers with technology use. Another reflection of the MRK model was evaluation instruments. "Evaluation instruments are what the designer creates to assess the learners and determine if, and to what degree, they have mastered the material." (Morrison, Ross, and Kemp, 2013) Creating the survey to understand how prepared the teachers are and steps moving forward to help them get the training if needed. This is why the evaluation is essential and sometimes gets overlooked in the school districts. This will provide the teachers with the information to present their case for change.
The technology use and support survey reflect AECT 4 standards and performance indicators. The reflection on practice section is about "analyzing and interpret data and artifacts and reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development, and implementation of technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth" (Januszewski, 2008). The survey was set up to understand how teachers are prepaid for the use of technology within the classroom. In theory, if the teachers are better equipped, it will enhance their instruction. Another performance indicator is the assessing/evaluating section. Developing the survey and assess than with the results document. This was allied with the learning goals of creating the questions for the survey.
In this project, I learned how to ask professionals to answer the questionnaire. This was my first time with a narrow field, and I had to go around and ask teachers to answer the questions. I've done many surveys with an evaluation at the end and was prepared and designed it well. My work was professional, and I made sure it was short to get as many people to answer it. Looking back at my previous surveys, it is one of my best works with the accurate information presented.
Januszewski, A., Molenda, M., & Harris, P. (Eds.). (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kurt, S. (2018, December 16). Addie Model: Instructional design. Educational Technology. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from
Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K.,& Kemp, J.E. (2013). Designing Effective Instruction,
Seventh Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.